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Raja Yoga Meditation School
in Kiel

Since 1982 there has been a Brahma Kumaris meditation school in the Kiel area, many years of which were in the Hassee district.

On-site meditations are currently taking place in Grebin near Plön. In Kiel we will soon offer meditation once a month again. We are all very close to nature and like to combine meditation experiences with the beach and the sea, because the experience of freedom in nature meets the experience of freedom of soul consciousness. By soul consciousness we understand in Raja Yoga the original state of consciousness of everyone.

Our meditation school is part of the Interreligious Working Group Kiel. 

Regular Events
Raja Yoga Kurs
Information talks on Raja Yoga meditation, individual courses and meditations
MicrosoftTeams-image (8) (1) (1)
Meditation in the evening

Experience Wisdom

Events in Kiel

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