Living wisdom
BK Philosophy
A spiritual lifestyle
The four pillars of the BK philosophy
The study of spiritual knowledge
The practice of Raja Yoga meditation
Step by step we are guided through a process that helps us to perceive and develop our inner powers and potentials. Through less but more powerful thinking, we begin to feel our own greatness.
In Raja Yoga meditation we discover that silence is a real gateway to contentment. Silence leads us to a point of complete stillness in the "now", like pressing a pause button that temporarily stops our life movie.
In this way we find ourselves beyond time. The more time we give to stillness, the more we gain the feeling of having more time.
Conscious internalisation of virtues
Spirituality means being able to apply certain skills even in unfavourable situations and circumstances. This experience strengthens self-confidence.
We learn to understand and master the energy of love - in giving not in receiving.
Our gaze naturally focuses more and more on our own positive abilities and those of others, rather than on deficits. Relationships can heal.
Serving others spiritually
The natural outgrowth of understanding spiritual truths, practising Raja Yoga and developing skills is the desire to serve others. To serve is our highest calling and fills us with a new sense of purpose.
Spiritual service encourages others in their efforts to stand on their own feet and make their own choices. The goal is to support others in such a way that they too recognise love, peace and happiness as their inner treasures.
Freedom through understanding
Get new perspectives through the ancient wisdom
We present our family tree in a completely new way. It includes all the souls of the world.